Move fast & make things

October 31, 2023

We got a terrific compliment today. Our producer, Andrew, mentioned that the crew + talent on our most recent shoot was talking about how much they enjoy working with us. Why? Because we are very UNLIKE a lot of traditional sets and we cultivate a friendly environment. This hits home for us because, honestly, it’s something we work hard to achieve and often say is a big part of who we are as a company. People you’d want to hang out with outside of work, maybe get a beer with or introduce to your other friends. Frankly, we can’t imagine a life where we DON’T bring that sort of energy to our day-to-day work. But the reality is… a lot of sets and a lot of high-pressure production environments don’t leave a lot of room for humans to show up and be themselves.

To drive this point home… a PA (production assistant) who was involved in this group of people sharing this nice compliment said that he was on a recent shoot and at the end of the day, he didn’t even know the first name of most of the people (director & DP included) he worked with on set that day. Bummer. Because we know the name of that PA’s girlfriend, where he studied abroad in high school, his favorite types of music and his professional ambitions. And we plan to do whatever we can to stay in touch with this great, young talent and to help him in whatever ways we can on his adventures ahead.

When we move fast… it’s because we have deadlines and a lot to accomplish. But including in the making things isn’t just the branded content, it’s the opportunities for growth and development for everyone on our team.